Thursday, May 24, 2012

winners and losers

As of May 5th I was tracking 214 stocks recommended by the BNN guest experts. This isn't all of them, this is just the recommended stocks on the TSE. American stocks and stocks on the TSE venture exchange were dropped. Of the resulting 214 stocks, as of May 5th, 133 were losers and 81 were winners. As a percentage, 63% were losers and 37% were winners. I got thinking though, maybe the losers were losers just because I didn't give them enough time. You know, you see something, you're sure its going to go up, and you buy it but a little too soon. I8 just did that with Goldcorp. So, today May 24th I checked these winning and loosing portfolio's. Of the 133 stocks in the loosing portfolio, 8 are now winners. Overall this portfolio is down 15.25%. Of the 81 stocks in the winning portfolio, 10 are now losers. Overall this portfolio is up 9.51%. Now, we have 79 winners and 135 losers, which still comes out to 37% winners and 63% losers, but with 18 stocks switching between winners and losers. Interesting, very interesting.

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