Monday, December 1, 2014

The last few days of last week were terrible for oil and gas. I had started buying back in too soon. I sold my suncor and royal dutch shell today and lost around 5 ~ 8%. Interestingly enough, Duke Energy and Kinder Morgan are up a bit. Kinder Morgan is a pipeline company rather than a producer, but still.

The other good thing is goldcorp is up roughly 7.4 % [about 5% with my holdings]. So, all in all, with this huge drop in oil I'm more or less even.

Now, the waiting game, to see when to get back into oil and gas.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Someone asked about my long term, year over year return on my portfolio's.

My TFSA account has averaged about 9 ~ 10% return. That is over a 5 year period.

MY RRSP has existed much longer, but done much worse. Since inception, I have averaged around 3~4% return [which is average for the retail investor].

But because of recent performance, for the last four years, it has bumped up a bit, to 5.45% annualized return.

But, I've really only implemented and really applied  my 5% rules this year.

Monday, November 17, 2014

And this is how my Tax Free Savings Account [TFSA] has done.

Not too shabby so far.
Of course, the question, the whole point of this blog is; has my portfolio done as well as or better than the TSE index and well known mutual funds.

I'm not sure about well known mutual funds, but here is its ranking against the S&P TSE composite index and the S&P 500 index. 

Performance, year to date:
S&P TSE composite index. Up 8.9%
S&P 500 index. Up 17.2%
My self directed rrsp. Up 23%.