Wednesday, July 11, 2012

too clever for my own good

My clever purchase of Goldcorp doesn't look so clever today. Goldcorp (TSE:G) dropped 10.18% today to close at $33.80. Yikes!

If I follow my rules I should sell it, but I'm just not sure. I think gold is going up and consequently gold miners. Goldcorp should go up, but will it go down more in the mean time. what to do, what to do.

Monday, July 9, 2012

I'm still tracking the stocks recommended by BNN's guests, but I am a little behind in updating my list with current recommendations. However, this is the current standing[s]with what I've logged. The all [Canadian] recommended stock portfolio is; DOWN - 3.86% My quick outside of my rules, pick, GoldCorp [tse:g], is at $38.33 today. I am really disappointed with goldcorp, but I am still above water. I've still got some of that BMO mutual fund [GGF70148] and it is up 1.14%. That is not terrific, but at least its on the positive side.