Wednesday, July 27, 2016

I was a little bit restless, wanting to lock in my gain from the " Brexit " shudders, so I put in sell orders for half my position in apple and goldcorp.

11% gain on apple, a whopping 78% gain on goldcorp. (but goldcorp was bought long ago)

apple;       bought $93, sold $104.00
goldcorp;  bought $14, sold $25.00

This isn't really investing, this is playing the market, a dangerous game.

Monday, July 4, 2016

As a result of the Brexit vote(and other world events);
Bought Apple at $93 and it is now $95.89. Goldcorp, which I had, is up significantly. About 5% just today.

G 25.90 4.77%
AAPL 95.89 0.30%