Saturday, December 15, 2012

A great idea!

If you have read any of my previous posts you will know I am not impressed with financial advisors and even less impressed with mutual funds. The problem is that they are not paid commensurately with their results.

As an investor I don't think someone else, someone supposedly helping me, should make more money off of my money than I do. I don't mind paying money, even more money, if I'm making money, but nothing pissess me off more than paying money while I loose money.  A fund operator should never ever ever make more money than the investor.

So, I have a great idea! I want to start a mutual fund or ETF that only collects a fee when it preforms and you make money.

It would work like this;
Say the fund charges a 2% fee. If the fund makes more than 2% the operator gets the full fee.  If the fund makes less than 2% the profit is split. If the fund looses money the fund operator gets nothing.

This way the goals of the fund operator are aligned with the investors. I wouldn't even mind paying a percentage more to get results.

I wonder if any mutual funds have balls enough to do it. Now, just to get an appointment with a ballsy mutual fund. Hmmm.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I've been watching the markets but have decided not to buy anything. Instead I'm going to take my money and pay down my home mortgage. I can do 20% a year so I'm doing 20% now and 20% in January. It won't quite be paid off, but it will be very very close.

While gathering the money I'm doing something which I think is quite clever. First, of course, I sold all my losers. Then I sold my principal investment in any stock that was flat or had increased but turned down. That gave me enough money for this round, but in January I'll need to sell my principal investment in some of my winners.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The markets have survived what would have been, black Monday [Black Monday refers to Monday October 19, 1987, when stock markets around the world crashed], and  the black days of the 1929 crash.

[On October 24 ("Black Thursday"), the market lost 11% of its value at the opening bell. On October 28, "Black Monday", ... the slide continued with a record loss in the Dow for the day of 38.33 points, or 13%.   The next day, "Black Tuesday", October 29, 1929, ... the Dow lost an additional 30 points, or 12% ]

Hurricane Sandy has come and gone, the machinations of Europe have continued with no real resolution, the slowdown in china continues and the markets have marched on. A market perfect storm has not materialized.

The U.S. presidential election is tomorrow. Regardless of the outcome I think it is time to re enter the market. I've just got to remember my second rule, only buy stock when the stock is trending up and has shown at least a recent 5% growth.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hmmm... Strange things appear when you look closely.  The stocks that were down over 5% from the high since buying [ and some just over 5%] are;

- the BMO mutual fund ...- .. I put in an order to SELL
- Canadian oil sands .......- .. I put in an order to SELL
- Enbridge ......................- .. I put in an order to SELL
-Encana ..........................- .. I put in an order to SELL
-Royal Dutch Shell ..........- .. I put in an order to SELL

Suncor was down 4.88% from the high since buying, but I put in a sell order anyway.

Although these will be sold they are not forgotten. They all now go on my watch list. I need a change in direction and at least a 5% increase from their coming low to buy back in.

Funny,  its mainly the energy stocks that are down from their high since I bought. Perhaps this is an indicator that the world economy is slowing down....or perhaps that the unrest in the middle east has subsided, or that the coming u.s. election will solve everything.. More likely it indicates something we really can't quite fathom [but that the pundits will ascribe to whatever they said].
Ocrtober always makes me nervous. I think I will comb through all my trading accounts and my wife's and sell anything and everything that has gone down 5% or more.

In reality, this is something I should do on a regular basis regardless of the month, but seldom do.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I just checked how the BNN experts, the BMO mutual fund, and I, are doing. We are all in the green.

The BNN experts are up 3.4%
The BMO mutual fund is up 0.48%
And, across my trading accounts and my wife's, I'm up between 7% and 13%.

I have a friend with whom I talk about stocks and trading strategies. He told me once, " the worst thing that can happen to a trader is that they are right a couple of times. When that happens they think they know everything, ignore market warnings, and blow out their portfolio."

I need to be careful.

Monday, September 17, 2012

If you use Open Office, I've created, and just uploaded to the Open Office template website a stock portfolio tracking spreadsheet booklet.

You can download it from;
Do a search for stock or rsstacey.

To get it to work, you MUST install GETQUOTE, a free extension to Calc.
It is listed at;
GETQUOTE is available at: Http://

I'm pretty sure my spreadsheet and GETQUOTE will also work with Libre Office.

Take a look at it and let me know what you think and how it could be improved.
It seems that with stocks, given enough time,  everyone, experts and neophytes like me, can be right.

Goldcorp [G] is around $45.00 today.

$36.05 up to $45.00 is not too shabby. What is that, a 25% increase? Not too shabby at all.

Now the hard part....following my second rule and not selling anything until I see a 5% or greater drop in the price.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

too clever for my own good

My clever purchase of Goldcorp doesn't look so clever today. Goldcorp (TSE:G) dropped 10.18% today to close at $33.80. Yikes!

If I follow my rules I should sell it, but I'm just not sure. I think gold is going up and consequently gold miners. Goldcorp should go up, but will it go down more in the mean time. what to do, what to do.

Monday, July 9, 2012

I'm still tracking the stocks recommended by BNN's guests, but I am a little behind in updating my list with current recommendations. However, this is the current standing[s]with what I've logged. The all [Canadian] recommended stock portfolio is; DOWN - 3.86% My quick outside of my rules, pick, GoldCorp [tse:g], is at $38.33 today. I am really disappointed with goldcorp, but I am still above water. I've still got some of that BMO mutual fund [GGF70148] and it is up 1.14%. That is not terrific, but at least its on the positive side.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

winners and losers

As of May 5th I was tracking 214 stocks recommended by the BNN guest experts. This isn't all of them, this is just the recommended stocks on the TSE. American stocks and stocks on the TSE venture exchange were dropped. Of the resulting 214 stocks, as of May 5th, 133 were losers and 81 were winners. As a percentage, 63% were losers and 37% were winners. I got thinking though, maybe the losers were losers just because I didn't give them enough time. You know, you see something, you're sure its going to go up, and you buy it but a little too soon. I8 just did that with Goldcorp. So, today May 24th I checked these winning and loosing portfolio's. Of the 133 stocks in the loosing portfolio, 8 are now winners. Overall this portfolio is down 15.25%. Of the 81 stocks in the winning portfolio, 10 are now losers. Overall this portfolio is up 9.51%. Now, we have 79 winners and 135 losers, which still comes out to 37% winners and 63% losers, but with 18 stocks switching between winners and losers. Interesting, very interesting.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I've been busy

Aside from buying Goldcorp, I've been busy. I watch Business News Network [BNN] pretty much every day. This is a TV channel dedicated to stocks and investing. They get experts on who pontificate about the markets, and stocks, and summarize by giving their three top picks. Well, you can subscribe to the BNN top picks and they will email them to you, showing who recommended the stock, when they bought it, and for how much. So, since about February I've subscribed to the BNN top picks newsletter and have been tracking them. The top picks include current top picks as well as past top picks from the last time that particular guest was on BNN. So, the results; If you bought all the Canadian stocks recommended by the experts, as of today your portfolio would be down 6.54%. Yikes! And my BMO mutual fund [GGF70148], is down 2.14% from December. So much for experts.

breaking the rules

Last week I gathered some money, bought some stock, and broke my rules. The year or so previous to doing this investment strategy, I was in and out of GoldCorp [G]. I knew it traded in a range between high thirties to high forties, sometimes even low fifties. So last weeek when I saw G in the mid thirties I gathered some money and bought in. I didn't wait till I saw a 5% [or better] increase. Consequently I bought G at $36.05. I don't think that is terrible, but if I'd waited till it bottomed and turned, I would have bought it today around $35.31. Today Goldcorp [G] is $35.31, up +2.12 (6.39%) on the day. 52 week range is $32.52 - $55.93.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

had to sell

No matter your strategy, life always gets in the way. My stepson is buying a condo and asked to borrow some money. So, I had to liquidate my portfolio. Overall I figure I made about two and a half percent. Not terrific, but not too bad for a few months. When I gather some more money I'll start up again.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

thinking about this strategy

I was thinking about my trading strategy, this strategy. Everyone says you can't time the market and that you can never hit the absolute top or pick the absolute bottom. This strategy concedes that fact. We don't try to pick the absolute top or the absolute bottom. What we do however is count on a change of $% to indicate we are past an absolute bottom or absolute top. We buy once an up trend has started, and sell once a downturn has started. If we "think" something is going to take off we add it to our pool and watch it, but only buy once a 5% up-tick confirms our thoughts. I like this strategy. I think it is going to pay off.

Friday, February 3, 2012


I haven't used this years TSFA room, so I transferred $5,000.00 from this account to my TSFA account. I will need to remember this at the end of the year when I calculate how the portfolio did.

month end review - new purchases

I reviewed all the stocks in my pool, winners and loosers, to find stocks that have shown a recent 5% increase or more. I settled on the following;

Name                             Symbol          Price        Amount     Cost
$   736.00

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

month end review - my wife's u.s. stocks

my wife's u.s. stocks are doing ok.  Both Kellog [k] and Molson-Coors [TAP] are down a little, but not enough to sell.

month end review

My portfolio is up 2.8% overall. The stocks that are down are quite surprising. Trans Canada Pipeline [TRP], Canadian National Railway [CNR], and Fairfax Financial [FFH] are all down over 5%.  These are good companies, but, from where I got in, they are down. So I've got to sell. I don't I have many shares in any of these so I am selling all my holdings in them.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

my wife's u.s. stocks

For those of you who are interested, these are the u.s. stocks bought in my wife's u.s. trading account.

Qty Security Symbol Price 
100  KELLOGG CO K $50.02

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My Portfolio

My trading account is in Canadian funds, so I have decided to only buy Canadian stocks for my portfolio. My wife has a u.s. trading account so I got her to buy a few u.s. stocks from my pool.

 I didn't have quite $50,000 and I didn't quite deploy all my cash. This is the final portfolio.

Name Symbol Quantity Price Cost Date
Canadian Oil Sands Ltd COS 100 $23.55 $2,355.00 01/02/12
Canadian Natural... CNQ 65 $38.60 $2,509.00 01/02/12
Cenovus Energy Inc CVE 75 $34.18 $2,563.50 01/02/12
Canadian Pacific... CP 35 $68.85 $2,409.75 01/02/12
Royal Bank of Canada RY 50 $52.31 $2,615.50 01/02/12
Toronto-Dominion Bank TD 30 $76.31 $2,289.30 01/02/12
Sun Life Financial Inc. SLF 100 $19.50 $1,950.00 01/02/12
Killam Properties Inc. KMP 200 $11.61 $2,322.00 01/02/12
Extendicare Real Estate... EXE.UN 300 $8.62 $2,586.00 01/02/12
H&R Real Estate... HR.UN 100 $23.30 $2,330.00 01/02/12
Canadian National... CNR 30 $80.50 $2,415.00 01/02/12
Petrobank Energy and... PBG 250 $10.98 $2,745.00 01/02/12
Enbridge Inc. ENB 65 $38.19 $2,482.35 01/02/12
BMO GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTUR... ZGI 100 $19.51 $1,951.00 01/02/12
TransCanada Corporation TRP 50 $44.50 $2,225.00 01/02/12
Fairfax Financial... FFH 5 $440.00 $2,200.00 01/02/12

Portfolio total value:


Now, lets see what happens!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

stock selection

Hmmm. I have still selected too many stocks.  This is the finalist list. I think I will use the 1 month return to whittle it down...or I could just buy ~ $2,500.00 of each stock instead of $5,000.00. I need to think about this.

Name Symbol                 return
Apple Inc. AAPL 25.56%
Canadian National... CNR 20.80%
Canadian Pacific... CP 12.78%
ConocoPhillips COP 7.00%
Enbridge Inc. ENB 170.72%
Fairfax Financial... FFH 6.85%
GlaxoSmithKline plc... GSK 16.34%
H&R Real Estate... HR.UN 19.71%
Killam Properties Inc. KMP 10.72%
Kimberly Clark Corp KMB 16.69%
Kraft Foods Inc. KFT 18.57%
McDonald's Corporation MCD 30.71%
Royal Dutch Shell plc... RDS.A 9.45%
Starbucks Corporation SBUX 43.20%
The Coca-Cola Company KO 6.39%
Toronto-Dominion Bank TD 2.75%
TransCanada Corporation TRP 17.22%

growth for one year as well as one month

These are the growth stocks from my pool that show up in both the 1 year and 1 month growth list.  [Enbridge's growth is suspect, but it is a good stock]

I  guess I have my 10 stocks.

Name Symbol Overall return;     1 year, 1 month return
Apple Inc. AAPL 25.56%
Apple Inc. AAPL 4.40%
Canadian National... CNR 20.80%
Canadian National... CNR 2.10%
Canadian Pacific... CP 6.48%
Canadian Pacific... CP 12.78%
Cenovus Energy Inc CVE 1.65%
Cenovus Energy Inc CVE 1.35%
ConocoPhillips COP 7.00%
ConocoPhillips COP 1.55%
Enbridge Inc. ENB 170.72%
Enbridge Inc. ENB 113.21%
Fairfax Financial... FFH 6.85%
Fairfax Financial... FFH 6.07%
GlaxoSmithKline plc... GSK 16.34%
GlaxoSmithKline plc... GSK 3.00%
H&R Real Estate... HR.UN 19.71%
H&R Real Estate... HR.UN 0.69%
Killam Properties Inc. KMP 10.72%
Killam Properties Inc. KMP 6.93%
Kimberly Clark Corp KMB 16.69%
Kimberly Clark Corp KMB 3.17%
Kraft Foods Inc. KFT 18.57%
Kraft Foods Inc. KFT 2.36%
McDonald's Corporation MCD 30.71%
McDonald's Corporation MCD 5.06%
Royal Dutch Shell plc... RDS.A 9.45%
Royal Dutch Shell plc... RDS.A 5.42%
Starbucks Corporation SBUX 43.20%
Starbucks Corporation SBUX 5.55%
The Coca-Cola Company KO 6.39%
The Coca-Cola Company KO 4.70%
Toronto-Dominion Bank TD 2.75%
Toronto-Dominion Bank TD 6.11%
TransCanada Corporation TRP 17.22%
TransCanada Corporation TRP 3.44%

5% growth or more for one month

Applied from the beginning of December [2010], these are the stocks from my pool that show any growth, not just 5% or better. Notice, they are not necessarily the same stocks from the 1 year 5% or better growth list. There is, however, some overlap.

Name Symbol Overall monthly [December] return
Enbridge Inc. ENB 113.21%
Extendicare Real Estate... EXE.UN 21.08%
Petrobank Energy and... PBG 16.26%
Canadian Pacific... CP 12.78%
General Electric Company GE 12.57%
Royal Bank of Canada RY 10.53%
Canadian Oil Sands Ltd COS 9.51%
Molson Coors Brewing... TAP 8.17%
Wells Fargo & Company WFC 7.49%
Killam Properties Inc. KMP 6.93%
Toronto-Dominion Bank TD 6.11%
Lloyds Banking Group... LYG 6.08%
Fairfax Financial... FFH 6.07%
Starbucks Corporation SBUX 5.55%
Royal Dutch Shell plc... RDS.A 5.42%
McDonald's Corporation MCD 5.06%
The Coca-Cola Company KO 4.70%
Apple Inc. AAPL 4.40%
Sun Life Financial Inc. SLF 3.85%
TransCanada Corporation TRP 3.44%
Kellogg Company K 3.25%
Kimberly Clark Corp KMB 3.17%
GlaxoSmithKline plc... GSK 3.00%
Microsoft Corporation MSFT 2.69%
Kraft Foods Inc. KFT 2.36%
Canadian National... CNR 2.10%
ConocoPhillips COP 1.55%
Cenovus Energy Inc CVE 1.35%
Canadian Natural... CNQ 0.82%
H&R Real Estate... HR.UN 0.69%
AT&T Inc. Senior Note... ATT 0.04%

5% growth or more for a year

Applied from the beginning of the year, these are the stocks from my pool that show any growth, not just 5% or better:
Name Symbol Overall 1 year return
Enbridge Inc. ENB 170.72%
Potash Corp./Saskatchewa... POT 145.40%
Starbucks Corporation SBUX 43.20%
McDonald's Corporation MCD 30.71%
Apple Inc. AAPL 25.56%
Canadian National... CNR 20.80%
H&R Real Estate... HR.UN 19.71%
Kraft Foods Inc. KFT 18.57%
Yamana Gold Inc. YRI 17.62%
TransCanada Corporation TRP 17.22%
Kimberly Clark Corp KMB 16.69%
GlaxoSmithKline plc... GSK 16.34%
Calloway Real Estate... CWT.UN 15.04%
Killam Properties Inc. KMP 10.72%
SPDR Gold Trust (ETF) GLD 9.57%
Royal Dutch Shell plc... RDS.A 9.45%
ConocoPhillips COP 7.00%
Fairfax Financial... FFH 6.85%
Canadian Pacific... CP 6.48%
The Coca-Cola Company KO 6.39%
Toronto-Dominion Bank TD 2.75%
iShares Dow Jones US... IYE 2.34%
Cenovus Energy Inc CVE 1.65%
Monsanto Company MON 0.62%
AT&T Inc. Senior Note... ATT 0.53%

Applying the 5% rule to Pick Portfolio stocks

Applying my 'must have increased by 5%' rule is both enlightening and difficult.

Few if any stocks that I thought would have spectacular growth show up in any lists.  I thought gas & oil stocks would have taken off over the last year, month, week. Not quite.

Applying the 5% rule from different times also gives slightly different results.  To compensate for fluctuations I am applying it from a year out, 1 month out and 1 week out.

Portfolio basics

I have $50,000.00 to invest in my stock portfolio, that I will fully invest. That means no cash sitting around waiting for the next best thing.

I will start out with 10 stocks, so I will therefore invest around $5,000.00 in each stock.

Boy, seeing this in writing is giving me the cold sweats. This is real money; my money. This had better work.